So glad i came across this demo! Amazing graphics, compelling storyline and interesting puzzles. Really liked it and cant wait for the full game to be available. Merry Christmas.
this is very endearing, i love the art style! the translation is near perfect too. i didn't spot any mistakes at least so i think that's a nice job so far!
no idea why but this reminds me of that one Poptropica Island! THe bedroom layout looks really familiar lmaoo. I think it was called "Shrink Ray Island"?
Holy crap!! I just noticed this game reminds me of the Deponia games! I'm a big fan of those. Anyway, this was a delight to play and I hope you move forward with this project!
That was amazing! Not just the art, the animation, or the gameplay, but the storytelling was really clean. I love how you captured the anxieties of growing up and trying to find your way as a newly-minted adult. I think you did a phenomal job on showing that awkward phase of being a kid (spaceship model, video game posters, spotify) but being pushed by the world to become an adult (paying rent, getting a job). Throughout the entire demo, I had a very real sense of anxiety and could practically FEEL Max's fear of failing as an adult. You could really tell that he's lost, that he's scared of being burnt despite putting in his all into his endeavors. I hope this game takes off even more than it already has, because this has high potential to be the next big thing!!!!
A great concept so far! Can't wait to see where it goes!
The graphics are very clean and well done, while the animation is minimal it looks great. The humor so far has been very enjoyable.
Something I wasn't expecting; the game came off as being just a point and click, but ended up being half that and half a QuickTime event race through the city. It was a lot of fun and I kinda liked the whiplash you got from the chill casual puzzle to the TURN LEFT NOW leap it made.
This is a demo obviously, the game is still in development, so I'm curious how the growing aspect will come more into play in the future as for most of the demo we only thought that was a dream.
He probado el juego en el Ultralan Festival de Valladolid y me ha molado un 🥚. Si no fuese porque quería probar más juegos y estar en la zona arcade lo hubiese jugado todo el día. Esta genial y no dudaré en descargarlo para jugarlo a tope.
En primer lugar, sentimos mucho que hayas tenido problemas. Ninguno de los desarrolladores tenemos Mac y nos resulta algo complicado testear estas versiones, aunque hasta ahora no nos había dado problemas.
¿Se quedaba la pantalla negra? ¿Has esperado algo de tiempo? Cualquier pista que nos puedas proporcionar nos puede ayudar a encontrar/solucionar el problema =)
PD: aunque esperamos encontrar una solución y que puedas jugar, estamos trabajando en una versión web.
Muchas gracias, estamos investigando para solucionarlo. Mientras tanto, acabamos de publicar una versión web, por si quieres darle una oportunidad directamente desde el navegador!
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Su diseño es muy bueno, la música, narrativa y mecánicas también, es muy interesante el juego y estaría muy bien sacar una versión completa.
omg it's so fun. i love it, good job to people who made this :33
so fun!! i love it already! cant wait for the full version :>
this game is really original and awesome, super relatable and the job minigame was super fun
Waiting for the rest
do it in french and I will be so happy if you need help for traduce in french ask me :)
Paimon likes this game it's very creative, and the art style is nice.
Literalmente Juegazo
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omg this is so cute
ah yes, failing a job interview because of a fucking karen
lmao yeah
Looove it! Great graphics, gameplay and I reeaally love that soundtrack!
We NEED a full version this game is awesome!
I'm so excited for the finished product!
This is a really great game, I recommend 10/10
dang bro it's that bad you gave it a 1/10? I'd say it's at least a 7 or 8 out of 10.
I meant 10/10, my bad. I really liked the game
this is very endearing, i love the art style! the translation is near perfect too. i didn't spot any mistakes at least so i think that's a nice job so far!
no idea why but this reminds me of that one Poptropica Island! THe bedroom layout looks really familiar lmaoo. I think it was called "Shrink Ray Island"?
my thoughts as well lol
Holy crap!! I just noticed this game reminds me of the Deponia games! I'm a big fan of those. Anyway, this was a delight to play and I hope you move forward with this project!
meudeus eu amei esse jogo por favor façam a continuação eu preciso disso
That was amazing! Not just the art, the animation, or the gameplay, but the storytelling was really clean. I love how you captured the anxieties of growing up and trying to find your way as a newly-minted adult. I think you did a phenomal job on showing that awkward phase of being a kid (spaceship model, video game posters, spotify) but being pushed by the world to become an adult (paying rent, getting a job). Throughout the entire demo, I had a very real sense of anxiety and could practically FEEL Max's fear of failing as an adult. You could really tell that he's lost, that he's scared of being burnt despite putting in his all into his endeavors. I hope this game takes off even more than it already has, because this has high potential to be the next big thing!!!!
omg that was amazing, cant wait for the full game <3
I really enjoyed this. Can't wait for the full game to come out.
that was great! i'd mention that when in fullscreen on my laptop the ac button was cut off so we didn't see it until we exited fullscreen.
hey! how didi you exit fullscreen?
hitting "escape" seemed to work. this is in browser by the way.
Loved the demo. The art-style is great and the mini-game was fun too. Will keep an eye for future updates.
really good , i aint even wanna work at that job anyway, i think i might be a basketball player.
A great concept so far! Can't wait to see where it goes!
The graphics are very clean and well done, while the animation is minimal it looks great. The humor so far has been very enjoyable.
Something I wasn't expecting; the game came off as being just a point and click, but ended up being half that and half a QuickTime event race through the city. It was a lot of fun and I kinda liked the whiplash you got from the chill casual puzzle to the TURN LEFT NOW leap it made.
This is a demo obviously, the game is still in development, so I'm curious how the growing aspect will come more into play in the future as for most of the demo we only thought that was a dream.
Good luck all! Can't wait to see more!
yooo you are here!
haha, I'm makin my way around the site :)
i want to say i'm interested in your video!
like, you are using animation for your webcam, that really reaaaally cool!
interesting concept, can't wait for the full game!
That was fun, can't wait for future gameplay :)
Mucha suerte con el desarrollo <3
Muchísimas gracias, Bob! <3
He probado el juego en el Ultralan Festival de Valladolid y me ha molado un 🥚. Si no fuese porque quería probar más juegos y estar en la zona arcade lo hubiese jugado todo el día. Esta genial y no dudaré en descargarlo para jugarlo a tope.
¡Mola mucho! En el minijuego a veces no respondía a las teclas pero por lo demás me ha gustado mucho, ¡enhorabuena!
Me lo he descargado para Mac con M1 y no consigo que se abra.
En primer lugar, sentimos mucho que hayas tenido problemas. Ninguno de los desarrolladores tenemos Mac y nos resulta algo complicado testear estas versiones, aunque hasta ahora no nos había dado problemas.
¿Se quedaba la pantalla negra? ¿Has esperado algo de tiempo? Cualquier pista que nos puedas proporcionar nos puede ayudar a encontrar/solucionar el problema =)
PD: aunque esperamos encontrar una solución y que puedas jugar, estamos trabajando en una versión web.
Hola, os dejo el mensaje que me sale:
Mi versión de Mac es macOS Monterrey, versión 12.0.1
Muchas gracias, estamos investigando para solucionarlo. Mientras tanto, acabamos de publicar una versión web, por si quieres darle una oportunidad directamente desde el navegador!
Genial, gracias!
Es un juegazo lo jugué en la ficzone y me encanto seguid creando contenido por que sois los mas grandes < 3
Vine buscando pirita y encontré oro. Un juego muy prometedor. Me encantan la premisa y la ambientación. Enhorabuena a los implicados en el proyecto.
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