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Is anybody else stuck on level 4 or pass level 4 that could give me tips? Because I'm stuck on the part where the tree and the rock get in the way.

Remember that you can drop the stick and pick it up from the other side! That’s the key ;)


Thank you so much this really helped me :D

(1 edit)

I love this cute game! I cant wait for more puzzles!

i think i slightly broke the game

my stick inside the rock and i can't move

This is great! super cute aesthetic, and the levels are really well scaled. Each mechanic is well introduced and changed how I played moving forward. On level 14, I ended up resetting 5 times! Had a lot of fun with this

Hey guys, any chance of a non-steam linux version in the future?

Hi! Yes, there will be a Linux version on Itchio :)

Sweet ;-) Thanks

Guys, this genious!

Not the sort of game I wanna make OR play, but I still put a few hours in. Simple, clever. You're onto something ;-

This was fun to play, and it looks very cute.

Where can I find the OST for this game? It's so good and relaxing!

This game is very cute!

I like how the puzzles become challenging while still being simple.

I would like to have an undo button, I make a single mistake and then have to redo the entire puzzle. Also, the input seems to lag a bit, especially when the levels start.

i cant play the game idk why


Great puzzle design! Enjoy this cute and simple graphics and sounds. It seems to have a bug if player input is too frequent, e.g. if I input several command before the dog finish the first one.

very nice puzzle, a good idea, only thing missing in my opinion is the ability to revert moves to go back in time after a mistake

Cute game and nice idea. There is something with controls. Sometime i press right and he goes left. Sometime i press one time and he moves three times. But its not a big problem. Maybe it something to do with itch servers, idk.


For those who are stuck or dont have time, here is a full playthrough, I hope this can help someone ! have a nice day !

OMG! you're the best, thank youu!!

long stick was long, it was great, very cute

I loved it!

So cute! I feel accomplished for helping doggo get stick through all the levels ^^


Super cute idea

cozy, wonderful, and great!

i love this, really relaxing and the dog is so cute TT<3

Not sure if this is a bug but if you don't have the stick and go to the finish line the bell audio still plays. btw the art is amazing!

cute game luv it

Cute, smart and fun, well done !

Adorable game! The game made me feel very calm playing throught it. 

Dear developer! I work with translation, specifically from ENG to PT BR. If you're interested please contact me! You can read more about it HERE.

- Alex <3


Great game. The aesthetics and music give off a relaxed and yet melancholic mood that's both chill and worrisome. Makes me think the dog is lost and only has his trusty stick to keep him company. 

The puzzles are fairly well designed with intention and deliberation. Each obstacle has a purpose for being there and it shows remarkable polish. I would expect that puzzle games such as these have been extensively tested.

For a demo, it shows great promise. I'll be looking forward to when this releases :-)

Fun little game. Great work & I look forward to what comes next


Very calm and relaxing. I just wish that some of the animations were shorter, as it really makes each attempt feel more frustrating. 4/5

Great puzzle Game! I enjoyed it alot and the dog was super cute!

the input isn't snappy and responsive enough for a puzzle game, and the R key doesn't do anything on the downloaded version?

I thought the same, but it turns out it's a cute little loading spiral in the bottom right corner that fills as you hold R, restarting once you've held for the whole loop. Probably to help the player not restart on accident since the R key is so close to the E rotate key

I cant play bc i dont have a pc rn but nic3 :)

Love it! 

Got a suggestion though, instead of tapping once to go one square. You should at least be able to hold to go further without repeated pressing.

Other than that, pretty nice game!


Great game, neat concept. There are a few annoyances I experienced while playing and that is:

  • the transitions between levels and especially restarts are just too long,
  • the animations for moving the stick, that is picking it up and down and rotating with it, are too lengthy, which I felt discouraged me from rapid experimentation,
  • the inputs seemed to be buffered a lot in advance and that made moving around feel quite unresponsive.

Still, great stuff even just from a jam entry. The puzzle design was really good, although I feel like the difficulty curve felt a bit wonky at the beginning.

Great game I really love the quality and the style. :)

(2 edits)

I loved this, super chill and fun and a bit of a challenge. 10/10 great job!

its really clever, i love the artstyle too!

I had a great time playing, thanks for sharing! I'm looking forward to more levels

Nice game! I don't know why but I especially like the transition screen, it is so smooth 🐾


Looks like it could be a really great game, but I can't run it because the graphics are set to ultra and there are no options.

this is a really great puzzle game! i also love the cute style :)

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